PUBLIC CALL For the selection of candidates to fill the reserve list of qualified persons for the appointment of members of electoral committees/mobile teams and their deputies

Pursuant to  Article 2.13. of the BiH Election Law ("Official Gazette of BiH" no. 23/01, 7/02, 20/02, 25/02, 4/04, 20/04, 25/05, 52/05, 65/05, 77/05 , 11/06, 24/06, 32/07, 33/08, 37/08, 32/10, 18/13, 7/14, 31/16, 41/20, 38/22, 51/22, 67 /22 and 24/24), and in connection with Article 26 of the Rulebook on the Procedure for Appointment and Dismissal of Electoral Committees for Local Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2024, number: 05-1-02-2-577-1/24 dated May 3, 2024, the election commission of the basic electoral unit 177 B Berkovići announces


For the selection of candidates to fill the reserve list of qualified persons for the appointment of members of electoral committees/mobile teams and their deputies 

  1. I. Publishes a Public call for the selection of candidates to fill the reserve list of qualified persons for the appointment of members of the electoral committees/mobile team and their deputies.
  2. Appointment requirements:

General requirements: 

  1. The registered candidate is a person with the right to vote.
  2. No person can be appointed as a member of the electoral committee (Article 2.3 of the BiH Election Law):
  3. who cannot be a candidate in terms of the provisions of articles 1.6, 1.7 and 1.7a of the BiH Election Law;
  4. who is a member of a highest executive-political body of a political party or coalition (president, vice-president, general secretary or member of the executive committee or the main committee);
  5. who is a holder of an electoral mandate or is a member of an executive body of the government, except in the cases provided for in Article 2.12. paragraph (4) of the Election Law;
  6. who is a current candidate or was a candidate for any level of government in the last general and last local elections;
  7. to whom a sentence was imposed for an action that represents a serious violation of election laws or regulations for which he/she was personally responsible, in the last four years, counting from the day the decision came into force.

Special requirements: 

- that he/she resides in the municipality for which the polling committee is appointed, as a rule, that he/she is registered in the extract from the Central Voters' List for the polling station for which he/she is appointed,

- that he/she has at least completed high school, that is, III, IV or V level of vocational education,

- that he/she was not sanctioned by the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

III. Necessary documentation: 

  1. application to the public call (completed form SG-3),
  2. Application submission deadline

The deadline for submitting applications is twenty (20) days from the date of publication of the public call on the municipality's bulletin board, on the municipality's website,  and the latest by June 6, 2024, by noon. 

V Procedure implementation bodies 

The procedure for electing candidates based on a public advertisement is carried out by the electoral commission of the basic electoral unit.

  1. Miscellaneous

Candidates can take the application form at the headquarters of the electoral commission of the basic electoral unit or download from the website of the municipality.

Candidates submit the application to the public call in a sealed envelope to the headquarters of the election commission, office no. 9.

The election commission of the basic electoral unit Berkovići. 

Address: Viduša bb

"Application for the public call for the filling of the reserve list of qualified persons for the appointment of members of the electoral committees/mobile team and their deputies - do not open".

Candidates shall, if requested by the election commission, provide evidence of qualifications and fulfillment of the requirements from the public advertisement. Incomplete and untimely applications shall not be considered by the commission


Chairperson of the ECB

Municipality of Berkovići: May 17, 2024

Ilija Šetka


Ул.Погинулих бораца oтаџбинског рата бб
88363 Берковићи
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