PI Kindergarten “Sveta
Novomučenica Milica – Dete”

PI Kindergarten “Sveta Novomučenica Milica – Dete”
88363, Berkovići bb
Telephone: +387 59 860-195
email: vrticberkovici@gmail.com
Director: Ljeposava Janjoš
Preschool education in Berkovići appeared for the first time in 1997 through the establishment of the "Pčelica Maja" children's playroom. This children's playroom, as a forerunner of today's institution, was located in the premises of the "Njegoš" Elementary School Berkovići, and for a short period also in the premises of the current library. With the help of the Government of Republika Srpska and the municipality of Berkovići, a new kindergarten facility was built and officially opened in 2010, and the "Sveta Novomučenica Milica - Dete" Kindergarten started its work on September 9, 2010. His Eminence Bishop Grigorije of Zahumlje, Herzegovina and Primorje gave the name to the newly built kindergarten in memory of three-year-old Milica Rakić, who was killed in the NATO bombing of the FRY on April 17, 1999. PI Children's Kindergarten "Sveta Novomučenica Milica - Dete" is registered in the District Commercial Court in Trebinje as an institution whose main activity is upbringing, education, care and health protection of preschool children, which makes it an institution of special social interest. The general goal of the preschool education system is to provide an environment in which the holistic development of children will be strengthened in accordance with their potential, abilities, needs and interests.
In previous years, an average of forty children of preschool age used the services of the kindergarten every day. In 2023, the kindergarten received a new heating system and an additional room as part of the program financed by the municipality of Berkovići and UNDP, which significantly improved the conditions for the work of this institution.